gToolBox version 2.0 - May 2, 1993 ************************* INSTALLATION ************************* This zip contains three files: GTBX20.EXE -- a self-extracting LZH file, which itself contains two files: GTOOLBOX.DOC - a Word for Windows template/document. Expands to 541K, which contains documentation and installation routine. GTOOLBOX.HLP - the gToolBox Help File. This file should be placed in your path, (e.g. in your Windows directory). GTBX10.DES - a canned description you can use if you upload this zip file to other bulletin boards. README.TXT - this file. ************************* Notes: ************************* The installation routines call FileSaveAll, therefore any unchanged documents loaded before GTOOLBOX.DOC will also be saved. It would be best if you loaded GTOOLBOX.DOC by itself. If you upload this file to another board, PLEASE: 1) keep the included files together 2) If you must upload as a ZIP file, please place GTBX20.EXE in a ZIP named GTBX20.ZIP ************************* NEW IN THIS VERSION ************************* Smarter MacroKey (checks for conflicts in hierarchy... i.e. a template assignment looks in the Global and the Built-in context for conflicts). Protects you from assigning to unshifted keys. SnapShot: the macro a number of you guys have been waiting for. Takes a snapshot of the current Menu, Key, Toolbar, and Macro Description landscape. Optionally saves the temporary file (a table) for printing or reference. A restore option. What this macro does is create another macro containing the relevant WordBasic commands to build the current templates menus, key assignment, toolbar, and macro descriptions. SnapShot any one "aspect" or all. Great for protecting against Word's, ahem, low memory mo odiness. Great for mixing and matching template, copying aspects from one to another. FileFind replacement that allows you to search a single directory, a directory and all subdirectories. Improved CopyMacro -- now supports moving macros from one template to another as well as copying. PrintListOfPages and PrintOddEven. Much improved. (still only a stop gap until MS gets around to putting it in Word...) Improved MakeBook -- smart bookmark utility -- increments bookmark names if a name is already in use. WindowStack -- allows you to arrange any two documents one atop the other -- with an option to specify how much real estate the top window is to get. Great if you have a high res or portrait monitor. ToggleClear screen. ChooseDirectory 3.1 included. This version contains utilities to add the current document or current group of documents to the ChooseDirectory list. CreateIconThisDoc -- create a program manager icon for the current document. BackupThisDoc -- copy the current document to a backup directory. And an expanded gLib, including new functions and subs: Timer(Start), TimerFormat$(Seconds), GetCurrentTitle$(hWnd), SetTitle(hWnd,Title$), SortArray(Size) (thanks to Scott Krueger), and WaitShell(). ************************* CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ************************* Guy Gallo CIS: 71171,3555 Internet: gg2@columbia.Com BIX: ggallo InterLink and SmartNet Windows conferences. ************************* REGISTRATION ************************* GTOOLBOX.DOC contains a printable registration form. Distribution is now handled by: Advanced Support Group 11900 Grant Place St. Louis, MO 63131 1-800-788-0787 (orders only). Price: 49.95, includes full source code to all included macros, printed manual, and setup disk.